Tourist attractions
Nature Reserve – Sources of the Łyna River – named after Professor R. Kobendzy
It is a picturesque, vast valley with side gorges, in which back erosion still occurs. This is where the Łyna River originates. It owes its course to the action of the last Baltic glaciation.
Nature Reserve – Sources of the Łyna River – named after Professor R. Kobendzy
It is a picturesque, vast valley with side gorges, in which back erosion still occurs. This is where the Łyna River originates. It owes its course to the action of the last Baltic glaciation.
Łyna originates in numerous streams flowing from exudative sources. This is due to the presence of greasy Miocene clays (forming an impermeable layer for waters), covered with glacial sands lying on the surface of the land. The clays are here up to a height of 175 meters above sea level, so the runoff from sources is relatively strong. As a result of retrograde erosion, these waters created numerous semicircular niches in the valley slopes, known as circuses. Waters flowing out along the contact surface of the surface layer of postglacial sands with Miocene clays accumulate in circuses, from which they flow down in a thin layer on the slope slope. These waters accumulate in a stream that gives rise to the river.
The reserve is a vast valley covering 120.54 ha. The highest point is located at an altitude of 190.7 m a.s.l., the bottom of the gorge at the highest point of the Łyna springs lies at a height of about 150 m a.s.l. The reserve’s area is covered with deciduous forest around 120-140 years old. The stand includes pedunculate oak, maple, hornbeam, birch, Scots pine as well as Norway spruce.
Permanent inhabitants of the reserve are deer, deer and elks.
Due to its outstanding cognitive qualities, the reserve is available to tourists. For their convenience, car parks have been arranged next to the reserve, stairs and bridges have been built, facilitating the penetration of slopes and observing the phenomenon of retrospective spring erosion. In the park you can visit the old mill together with the dam. A very interesting attraction is also the village of the Spring Village located within the reserve, as part of its activities you can participate in soap workshops, go on a tour of the reserve with a guide or organize a rural feast by the fire. Next to the tank there is a charming handicraft shop and you can enjoy a delicious coffee during a conversation with the kind lady looking after the objects.
Europäisches Teichschildkrötenreservat in Orłowo
Das Naturschutzgebiet Schlammschildkröte in Orłowo ist die älteste derartige Einrichtung in Polen. Es wurde 1953 gegründet und erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 4,5 Hektar. Auf seinem Gebiet befindet sich hauptsächlich der Orłowo Małe-See mit einem kleinen Küstenstreifen. Das Hotel liegt in der malerischen Umgebung von Wäldern auf postglazialen Hügeln mit zahlreichen Quellen und mittelwaldigen, regelmäßig trocknenden Teichen und ist eine einzigartige Umgebung in Bezug auf Aussicht und Natur. Bei der Entwicklung von Schutzplänen für dieses Reservat wurde kürzlich beschlossen, das Reservat um die angrenzenden Gebiete zu vergrößern.
Im Reservat lebende Schlammschildkröten führen einen geheimen Lebensstil und nur wenige schaffen es, ihnen zu begegnen. Hauptsächlich können sie während ihrer Frühlingszuchtausflüge gefunden werden, aber Sie müssen sehr viel Glück haben. Es lohnt sich jedoch, es zu versuchen, denn die Begegnung mit dieser erstaunlichen Kreatur ist unvergesslich und nur wenige Menschen können sich damit rühmen.
Koniuszanka I
The nature reserve is located 15 km north-east of Nidzica near the towns of Napiwoda, Moczysko and Koniuszyn. The area is protected in order to preserve the area in which there are phenomena of sandroia.
Koniuszanka II
Forest reserve, whose name comes from the Koniuszanka River flowing through the center of the reserve. The reserve as one of the few in Poland aims to preserve the unusually picturesque landmark section of Koniuszanka and it has 64.55h of space. It was created to protect forests located at the interface of the lake area with Sander Kurpiowski.
Teutonic Castle
It was created in the second half of the fourteenth century. It is the largest Teutonic castle of residence and defense in Masuria. It was the seat of commune heads, commanders, and city offices. It was also used as a prison and before 1945, it housed the circuit court. Currently, the headquarters of the Nidzica Cultural Center.
It is a gothic defensive building. Located in the southeast corner of the city and belonged to the city’s fortifications. Its eastern part served as a corner tower. In later centuries it was used as a school for lower church staff. Before burning in 1914. It was used as a granary. It was destroyed in 1945. After reconstruction in 1967-1988, he was adopted as a branch of the State Archives.
Church Saint Adalbert
Built in the fourteenth century and included in the urban defense system of the western part of the city. A fragment of the defensive walls has been preserved to this day and is visible at the entrance to the parish presbytery from the side of the church. The solemn dedication was carried out in 1404. As a result of hostilities in 1914. the church burned down again. It was rebuilt in the years 1920–1924, giving it a pseudo-Renaissance style preserved to this day.
Church Of the Holy Cross
Currently, the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession. Built in 1858-1860 in the neo-Gothic style. The interior decoration is a collection of valuable monuments of sacred art from the area of southern Masuria. They are old altar paintings and wood carvings painted on wood.
Church Of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Kanigów
A Gothic block with a unique, brick and skeletal structure.
Church Of the Immaculate Heart in Łyna
Built before the Reformation. The spatial arrangement is well preserved in the shape of an oval developed around the church.
Church St. Hubert in Cold Water
The whole church, except for the presbytery, has a decor referring to the hunting tradition. Antlers hang on the walls and above the altar. Chandeliers are also made of them.
The stone church was built in 2004 with the financial support of hunters and the State Forests. Every 2 years in Zimna Woda there are voivodship celebrations of Saint. Hubert, patron of hunters and foresters. In the church, a plaque from 2007 dedicated to soldiers of the 5th Vilnius AK Brigade, who in the years 1946 – 1947 fought with the communists for independent Poland. It is located about 16km. From Nidzica.
Łyński Mill
Built at the beginning of the Łyna River, the mill dates back to 1387. Its owner was the brother of the Teutonic Order commander Johann von Baffort from Ostróda. Initially, grain was milled in the mill, later it was adapted for processing groats. In 1657 the mill’s outbuilding used the cloth hall from Nidzica as a fulling (cloth processing site), fueling the press with water. During World War I, the mill was occupied by the Russians. It is currently owned by the University of Warmia and Mazury.
Former Brewery
Established in 1868 and originally called Schlossbrauerei Neidenburg. After the end of hostilities, the brewery housed the orangeade bottling plant and after renovation in 1958. the Nidzica winery and mead plant were established. In 1992 by the decision of WKZ, he was entered in the register of monuments. Currently in private hands.
Tartar stone
It is located two kilometers southeast of Nidzica in the fields of the village of Tatary. It is 19 meters in circumference and over 2 meters high. It is 6.5 meters long and 4 wide. It used to be much larger, but for years it was broken and millstones were made of it.
A stone ball was placed on the surface of the boulder. According to legend, it is a souvenir from 1656, when Tatars fighting in Nidzica took part in the Polish service. The spotted leader from the Castle tower was shot from a cannon and was killed.
Bicycle routes:
Bicycle routes have been designed in such a way as to ensure connection of the Commune with neighboring voivodships and ensure coherence of interregional routes in our area. They were led through areas of various cultural and natural richness.
Tatar Trail – trail length approx. 45km. The route was designed so that by beating the participants learn the legends associated with the Tatar invasion of Nidzica, see the largest boulder in Masuria and visit the complex of small-village villages and forest settlements. The route has wonderful view corridors oriented towards the dominant of the castle and the silhouette of the city.
Amber Route
– trail length about 53km. The route makes it possible to get to know natural and landscape values in the north-eastern part of the commune. The trail leads through a complex of fishing and forest settlements: Wikno, Jabłonka, Natać Wielka, Brzeźno Łyńskie, Likusy, Zimna Woda, Koniuszyn. Objects related to military activity have survived in these areas: war cemeteries from World War I, fragments of military equipment from World War II, bunkers and anti-tank ditches.
General Samsonov’s Trail
– trail length about 80km. The route is located in the northern part of the commune. It begins in Nidzica and leads through the towns of Piątki, Olszewo, Borowy Młyn, Kanigowo, Siemiątki, Zagrzewo, Piotrowice, Magdaleniec, Módłki, Muszaki, Wały, Zimna Woda, Wikno, Jabłonka, Natać Duży, Kurki, Brzeźno Łyńskie, Bolejny, Żelazno , Bujaki, Dobrzyń, City Forest, ends in Nidzica. In this area, objects related to military activity have survived: war cemeteries from World War I, fragments of military equipment from World War II – bunkers and anti-tank ditches.
Trail around Omulewo (walking red)
– trail length about 28km. The route will lead us around Lake Omulew. It runs through 4 tourist villages. The trail is two-sided, designed in the form of loops, so you can use it from any point and in any direction. The trail approaches the shores of Lake Omulew and Trzcinowe. The trail should be included in short routes suitable for short trips: recreational, family but also training. It is connected to the nature trail in the Koniuszanka II reserve.
Educational trail
Koniuszanka Forest Path
– approx. 2.5 km long. The route begins in the town of Wikno. Designed for residents of Nidzica and tourists staying in nearby towns. The path is closed loop. 12 educational and information stands in the form of boards were placed along the route.
Canoe trail
of the Omulew River
– approx. 100 km long. Trail route: Jabłonka- Kot- Dębowiec- Wesołowo-Wielbark. The river flows out of Lake Omulew in its eastern part. Mostly it flows through the picturesque Napiwodzko-Ramuckie Forests called the forest. In the immediate vicinity of the river there is the Małga fauna reserve. The entire river is marked for canoeists by tourists.
Walking trail
– trail length about 48km. The route leads through the village of Wikno and forest areas. The trail should be included on short routes suitable for both recreational and training trips. The trail begins and ends at the playground and bus stop in Wikna. Connected to the nature path in the Koniuszanka II reserve by the bicycle trail around the Omulew Lake and the walking trail in the vicinity of the village of Jabłonka.
City Beach
The city lake provides unforgettable walks along the alleys. There is an amphitheater, a pier and a city beach. Occasional events are organized on its territory.
Potter Village
Garncarska Village is a theme village operating in the village of Kamionka near Nidzica (7 km, around 11min) Here, old disappearing professions are played, old traditions and customs are cultivated. You will find unique places here, you will experience an unforgettable adventure, you will remember the flavors and smells of childhood.
The village was founded in 1371 and still cultivates the old Nidzica craft traditions.
Currently, the village organizes fairs, offers ceramic and tailor products, regional souvenirs, beeswax products and herbal products.
Ceramic workshops and demonstrations take place, turning clay on a wheel, molding clay on a table, painting on glass, making wax candles, and painting Christmas balls and decorating Easter eggs before Christmas. In the vicinity of the village there is the largest show garden, the so-called Garden of Eden.
In the village you can visit: a pottery, a herbalist, a Masurian smithy, a historic barn, the museum ‘Treasures of the Earth – a collection of fossils and minerals.
ntertainment nearby:
- BARTBO amusement park in Butryny (35 km, approx. 35 min)
- strusiolandia Chata Warmińska and Ferma Ostrich in Bukwałd (75 km, approx. 1 hour)
- zoo in Wierzbów llamas, goats, sheep, donkeys (33km, about 28 min)
- Madagascar in Nidzica
- Warmiński Zwierzyniec in Niekielków (80 km, approx. 53 min)